Leadership Application

“By continually investing in your leadership development, your “assets” compound, resulting in substantial growth over time.” - John Maxwell

At Rock of Ages Baptist Church, we believe in selecting and appointing Leaders committed and faithful to the building up of Godʼs Kingdom. Pastor Marvin E. Wiley believes that we should provide a level of Excellence in every area of Ministry. He believes that since God did not spare in any expense in sending His only Son, Jesus, that we owe God our best.
Consequently, we take the commitment to Leadership very seriously at Rock of Ages Baptist Church. We commit ourselves to the development and success of each of our Leaders who commit themselves to the Leadership task. We believe in equipping leaders and birthing new leaders by building a core of leaders who are extraordinary in their personal devotion to God. We look for leaders willing to take risks and make sacrifices for their personal development and the ministry. Leaders planning and setting strategy that implements and acts as a single purpose to the success of the overall goals and purpose of the ministry.

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